The Chatham Islands Enterprise Trust is an independent charitable trust and public benefit entity. Following financial issues with the local council, in 1991 the Government established the Trust and transferred the majority of Island infrastructure assets to it.
About us
It provided $4 million per year for the first two years of operation and the Trust received fishing quota in order to create revenue streams to fund ongoing maintenance and development of the infrastructure, as well as investment in economic and social development for the Islands.
A number of subsidiary companies were formed under the Companies Act and assets transferred to those companies as determined in the 1991 Trust Deed. These companies provide a range of services and support to the community including: the airport, ports, shipping, electricity supply, fishing quota, diesel, forestry, social housing and tourism, some of which continue to require funding from the Trust to remain viable. The Trust also provides financial assistance to individuals and organisations through grants and donations.
Trust Mission
We will facilitate or provide key infrastructure facilities and services for the Chatham Islands Community, to promote economic and social development, in a cost effective and sustainable manner in accordance with the Trust Deed.
Trust Values
Our values are the set of guiding principles we use when interacting with customers, our stakeholders and with each other in our organisation. Values are at the heart of an organisations culture reflecting how things are done and the way business is conducted. As part of its accountability and performance assessment the Trust will appraise our performance in light of these values.

Organisational Structure
The organisation and company structure comprises the Enterprise Trust acting as the overall governance body of the Group with several subsidiaries owning and managing assets and delivering services.
The companies are whole owned subsidiaries of the Trust under the companies act that are governed by their constitutions that recognise the aims of the Trust towards the community and strategic direction in the Statement of Intent provided by the Trust annually. The companies are independent of each other, with separate professional boards. Operational activities are provided by a mix of directly employed staff and staff from CIML and externally.
The organisation’s structure is complex due to the Trust and subsidiary arrangement and hinges around small teams of people undertaking a range of responsibilities and specialist tasks. Complexity arises due to the need to have a separate identity for each trading operation to manage risk given that each asset has different operating parameters. The Trust will continue to monitor the effectiveness of the current operating structure and look for opportunities to improve efficiency and effectiveness.